Authors/ Researchers Responsibilities

Authors/Researchers will:

  • • Ensure that all researched work submitted is original, prepared to a high scholarly standard and fully referenced using the prescribed referencing
  • • All researchers are represented accurately and other appropriate acknowledgements are clearly stated including sources of funding if
  • • Open and full disclosure of the source of all data and how it was
  • • Certify that all the data has been acquired in keeping with recognized ethical research
  • • Read carefully, agree to and sign a license to publish Correspond and comply with the editor and publisher in any requests for source data, proof of authorship or originality in a timely manner.
  • • Co-operate with any consequent investigations if any issues are raised by reviewers, editors or the
  • • Provide appropriate information for errata if such an event Remain in good communication with the editor(s), publisher and any co-authors if the need arises.
  • • Recognize that the Editorial Board has the final decision to publish